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5 Tips to Help with Your Partner’s Disruptive Sleep Habits

Written by Land of Sleep | August 07, 2017

For most of us, a consistent 8 hours of sleep is essential for good health and productivity. If your partner's sleeping habits keep you from getting adequate rest, addressing them will be crucial for your own health, as well as for the health benefits of your partner.

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Consider the tips below to deal with your partner's problematic sleeping habits:

1. Dust Regularly

Snoring is caused by the fact that the snorer is breathing through narrowed airways as they sleep. Congestion can cause snoring and allergens can cause that congestion. Keeping your bedroom as free of allergens as possible may reduce congestion, along with snoring.

2. Get a Large Enough Bed

Go no smaller than a queen mattress. As adults, full-size beds are usually too small for a comfortable night’s sleep. A full-size bed only offers you 27 inches each of personal space. Keep in mind that 28 inches is the standard width for a crib mattress.

3. Try a Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam mattresses offer multiple benefits for those who sleep with partners. One of the main benefits is the fact that they do not transmit movement the way that coiled spring mattresses do. This can be beneficial if your partner tosses and turns during the night. In addition, they provide better support for more restful sleep, which may make them toss and turn less. Your own sleep may be deeper as well, so you may be less aware of their poor sleeping habits. Memory foam mattresses can also be beneficial for allergy sufferers since dust mites cannot burrow into them the way they can with traditional coiled spring mattresses.

4. Use Separate Covers

This is helpful for dealing with a cover hog, but can also be a great compromise for people with different temperature preferences. This allows one person to regulate their own body temperature by adjusting their covers without disturbing the other person.

5. Get More Exercise During the Day

Sleep talking, as well as tossing and turning, may result from a sedentary lifestyle. Sufficient exercise during the day may help you to relax at night, thus making for more restful sleep.

If your partner's sleeping habits are keeping you from getting a good night's sleep, you have options. Contact the experts at Land of Sleep to learn more about improving the quality of your sleep.