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6 Devices that Will Help You Get Better Sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night's sleep? You're not alone. According to a survey by the CDC, half of all adults don't get enough sleep. If you want to wake up feeling refreshed, consider using gadgets that can increase both the quantity and quality of your sleep.

Related Blog: 6 Types of Pillows: Find Your Perfect Match for a Good Night's Sleep

It’s important to get your 7 hours, but it’s also crucial to ensure that during that time, your body and mind are truly resting. If you find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or just want to feel more rested, here are the top 6 devices to help you sleep better and wake up refreshed and ready for the day.


1. Heated blanket

Changes in temperature throughout the night can really disrupt your sleep, causing headaches, grogginess, and fatigue the next day. A heated blanket can help stabilize your body temperature and provide consistent warmth throughout the night, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

The gentle, consistent warmth they emit can naturally relax your body, soothe your mind, promote blood flow, and alleviate minor aches, pains, or cramps. On cold nights, a heated blanket is a must-have sleep accessory that turns your bed into a cozy sleep haven.


2. Air Purifier

If your bedroom air is dusty, allergen-filled, or stagnant, it can lead to snoring, a common culprit for poor rest. One way to boost your bedroom's air quality is by frequently dusting, vacuuming, and changing your air conditioning filters.

A great tip for keeping the air in your bedroom fresh is to use an air purifier. Air purifiers remove allergens, dust, and particulates from the air, and can significantly reduce snoring. By improving the air quality in your bedroom and reducing snoring, air purifiers are a great gadget to use to get better sleep.


3. Smartwatch with Sleep Apps

Sleep apps are designed to help users understand and improve their sleep patterns through advanced tracking and analysis gathered by your smartwatch. They also offer features like hypnotherapy, sleep meditations, relaxing soundscapes, and bedtime stories that help you drift off to sleep and promote better sleep habits.

By tracking things like your heart rate and body temperature, these apps provide personalized sleep insights, waking you during your lightest sleep stage and helping you fall asleep at the optimal time. By promoting better bedtime habits, improving relaxation, and helping you optimize your sleep schedule, sleep apps are a great way to get better sleep.


4. Aromatherapy Diffuser

Essential oils like sandalwood, lavender, and jasmine are great for reducing muscle tension and insomnia, and can really help improve your sleep quality. There are plenty of ways to apply these scents to reap the benefits, but one of the best ways is by using an aromatherapy diffuser. 

This device spreads essential oils through the air, in the same way that humidifiers spread moisture into the air, and create a relaxing and therapeutic space throughout the night. Just add a few drops to your diffuser about 30-60 minutes before bed for some extra relaxation, and you'll be snoozing peacefully before you know it!


5. Sunrise Alarm Clock

Hitting the snooze button might not harm your physical health right away, but it can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and unproductive. The best trick? Learn to wake up without giving in to that tempting snooze button.

A great tip for getting better sleep without slamming the snooze button is to use a sunrise alarm. These clever devices mimic the gentle fading of the sunset at night and the soft glow of sunrise in the morning, helping you fall asleep and wake up more naturally by gently nudging your body's internal clock.


6. Smart Bed Frame

Imagine customizing your bed's shape for the ultimate sleep posture, ensuring you wake up refreshed and pain-free. A smart bed frame, or adjustable bed, can transform your sleep experience, helping you find that perfect position for better sleep. 

By adjusting your bed to your body's needs, a smart bed frame can ease any discomfort, whether you're dealing with a sore back or sinus pressure. With its ability to encourage your spine's natural alignment, you're guaranteed a night of restful, better sleep. 


With our wide selection of pillows, mattresses, and bed frames, including adjustable beds, at Land Of Sleep, our sleep experts can help you get better sleep in no time! Discover everything you need to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep in our downloadable guide to better sleep.

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