Sarasota & Venice Mattress Stores Blog

Why To Skip All the Mattress Stores on 41 and Come to Land of Sleep

We were recently asked what sets us apart from our competitors and why customers should drive past all of the other mattress...

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Finding the Best Bed to Increase CPAP Machine Comfort

Over 200,000 people are diagnosed with sleep apnea each year in the US. It's a common condition that can lead to serious health...

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6 Innovative Sleep Apps That You Have to Try in 2019

When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, it's important that you have the right mattress. After all, 1 in 3 adults aren't...

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Five Scientifically Proven Benefits of Getting Quality Sleep

In a recent survey published by the National Sleep Foundation it was revealed that forty five percent of Americans feel as though...

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Sleep Diary: What It Is and Why You Need One

As a kid, did you often keep a diary? Our diaries were a way of expressing our innermost desires, understanding our feelings,...

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There's Less Daylight...Normalize Your Sleep

It's that time of year when daylight creeps backward and darkness descends upon the land. As the daylight hours shrink, many...

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How to Improve the Quality of your Sleep

Falling into a peaceful slumber can be a great challenge for many people. You toss and turn in your bed, constantly flipping your...

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The Top 4 Alarm Clocks for Heavy Sleepers

At Land of Sleep, we want your bed to be incredibly comfortable. But rousing yourself from comfort is sometimes necessary, and if...

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How Scent Can Make a Difference in Your Ability to Sleep

Our sense of smell is one of the fastest ways for our brains to bring back memories of a certain location and the feelings we...

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