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What Causes Sleep Walking?

Written by Land of Sleep | December 17, 2015

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and found yourself sitting on the toilet instead of lying down on your bed? This sounds like a scene straight out from a movie, but sleep walking happens more often in real life than many people think.

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The condition itself is not fatal, but a person's actions while asleep can result in a tragic accident. You can fall a few floors down from an open terrace, or you can slip on a wet bathroom floor. Anything can happen, and that's what makes it scary.

But what causes it in the first place? There are many reasons, such as:

If any of your relatives sleep walk, there's a higher chance for you to develop the same condition. Ask your parents if they have the same experiences, or if they know someone in the family who does.

An exhausted mind shows itself through a variety of physical manifestations, one of which is sleep walking. Try to relax before sleeping with a cup of chamomile tea and a session of meditation.

Certain medications
Sedatives, stimulants, minor tranquilizers, and antihistamines can trigger episodes. As your doctor for alternative medicines with minimal negative side effects.

Full bladder  
Sleeping with a full bladder can also be a cause. Avoid drinking plenty of fluids before bed and use the bathroom right before bedtime to minimize the chances of sleep walking.

Sleep apnea
Breathing difficulties caused by sleep apnea are linked to not only sleep walking, but also hallucinations. Consult a doctor about sleep apnea to get the proper treatment.

Unsuitable sleep environment
Busy surroundings can prevent your mind and body from completely relaxing, causing you to sleep walk. Make sure your room is quiet, dark, and comfortable. If you sleep during the day, put up curtains to replicate a nighttime feel. Also get a cozy mattress. The quality of your mattress greatly influences the quality of your sleep, so make sure to get only the very best like what we offer at Land of Sleep.

If symptoms persist, or if sleep walking puts you in real danger, then don't hesitate to approach your doctor and seek professional help. You don't have to suffer from your condition when assistance is readily available.